Sales & Communication Workshop

Sell more using
the power of story

StorySelling is a one-day workshop that helps you create powerful stories, build strong customer relationships and close more deals.

Is your sales pitch not landing with your customers?

Sales are the engine of your organisation, and nothing will kill your customer relationships and stifle your sales faster than boring self-serving pitches and presentations.

You’ll lose your customers' attention, won’t connect, and won’t convert.

When it comes to making a purchase, people don’t care about your story, they care about theirs.

When you’re serious about sales, give your people the tools to sell.

StorySelling is a sales strategy that uses stories instead of product features and stats to influence marketing & sales outcomes. StorySelling is the art of crafting stories that put your customer at the heart of the narrative.

A map of the hero's journey

They can see themselves as the hero on a journey to success.

An illustration of a chain breaking

They are on a quest to overcome a painful problem and you have the solution.

An illustration of a treasure chest

They want to hear a powerful story about a customer in a similar situation achieving success with a little help from your solution.  

Why StorySelling works

Stories connect you with your customers

Stories bypass the conscious mind and dive deep into the survival structures of the brain

Stories build liking, trust, and respect

Stories demonstrate a deep understanding of the needs, wants, desires of your customer

Stories stick in your brain

Stories allow your customers to see themselves as the hero

Stories have been warnings or way-finders for centuries

Stories focus on customers success, you become the guide, your stories help them decide

Imagine tapping into your customer's wants, needs, desires, and drivers through powerful StorySelling.

You go from:

Hitting walls
open doors
Missed opportunities
massive growth

"I increased our company sales by 800% over 18 months thanks to business storytelling and Michael!"

Sophie Mills

Head of Sales at OneReg

Meet Michael Philpott – Executive Speaker Coach

Some of the organisations that work with us

Get the skills to craft stories that sell

With StorySelling you:

Get prepared

You focus on the design, development, and delivery of your sales stories.

Get polished

You say the right words, the right way, at the right time.

Get personal

You build liking, trust, and respect

Get powerful

You win the hearts, minds, and wallets of your customers.

"Let the customer be the hero in your story" is something that'll sit with me forever! Such an amazing workshop."

Jordyn Cederwall

ANZ Sales Manager at Tradify

Meet Michael Philpott – Executive Speaker Coach

It's not enough just to have a good story

StorySelling combined with charismatic leadership tactics gives you the skills to deliver your customer success stories like a legend and it’s grounded in research.

Success stories

We coach and train CEOs, celebrities, sales executives, tech giants, best-selling authors, professors, PhDs, and start-up founders to achieve outstanding results.

increase in sales over 18 months
increase in Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Generated over
in sales from a 5-minute talk
from an online pitch
9 year
AOG contract
from investment rounds
as a retailer in the US
Best pitch
delivered to over 900 investors
Awarded the
Winston Churchill
foundation grant
No. 1
Non-Fungible Token (NFT) in the world
12.5 million
views on YouTube
U.S. University
as major client
With an average facilitator trainer score of 9.6, our workshops consistently deliver world class learning experiences that get results.
Meet Michael Philpott – Executive Speaker Coach

Meet your Guide

Michael Philpott

Business Storytelling Expert. Keynote Speaker. Executive Speaker Coach. Professor of Practice at the University of Canterbury, Communications & Training Specialist.

Having spent over two and half decades working within leadership development, Michael is the sought after high-performance coach to thousands of executives and leaders.

He’s the secret weapon to organisations and individuals including CEOs, celebrities, sales executives, tech giants, best-selling authors, professors, PhDs, and start-up founders around the world.

An expert in storytelling, stage craft, charismatic leadership, and business storyselling. He is renowned for helping people achieve powerful results from their keynotes, sales pitches, capital raises, and formal presentations.

Michael has a resolute belief that mastery of ourselves is forged in the fiery crucible of practical application, self-analysis, self-discovery, and self-management.

No other coach offers his credentials, experience, and singleness of purpose.

"Fantastic learning experience for the Christchurch NZME direct sales team. Huge thanks to the Michael Philpott team for what was truly a memorable day."

Ben Harris

General Manager at NZME

"The Mitre10 team absolutely loved you Michael Philpott and Astella Philpott. What you say and how you say it is such a critical professional and personal skill - and our team learned plenty about it from you yesterday. A feedback note said - sign me up for anything Michael delivers. How friggin' cool is that!"

Nish Pai

Head of Capability and Organisational Development, Mitre10

"Want to get better at Storyselling? Then check out Michael’s StorySelling workshop. It will be a tool you’ll never want to miss in your toolbox again for your personal and professional life. It’s a must-attend course."

Christian Sax

Innovation and Product Manager at Jade Software

"If you are looking to refresh AND learn some brand new skills, I strongly encourage you to attend one of Michaels courses."

Ian Hight

Client Director at Jade Software

What's included?

Private Workshop
$10,200 + GST
In-house StorySelling workshop delivered exclusively to your sales team by Michael.
The five-step StorySelling model – learn the model that will bring you and your stories to life.
Skills and training – get skills in stage craft and six of the 12 Charismatic Leadership Tactics to become a charismatic, influencing weapon wielding a customer success story.
Comprehensive workbook – that guides you to develop your customer success story.
Video recordings – walk away with six recordings of yourself presenting to camera.
Public Workshop
$1,700 inc. GST
20 September 2024
The five-step StorySelling model – learn the model that will bring you and your stories to life.
Skills and training – get skills in stage craft and six of the 12 Charismatic Leadership Tactics to become a charismatic, influencing weapon wielding a customer success story.
Comprehensive workbook – that guides you to develop your customer success story.
Video recordings – walk away with six recordings of yourself presenting to camera.
Catering – food and drinks will be provided for the day.

When you're serious about sales, give your people the tools to sell.

Three simple steps to get obsessed about your customer's success.


Workshops take place over a full day. Block off those calendars and let’s do this!

Get amped

Knowing you're going to become obsessed with your customers success.

You sell faster

Close more deals, scale service, and build customer relationships & loyalty.

The most commonly asked questions about the StorySelling workshop

What is charismatic leadership?

Until recently it was believed that charisma was a “gift” a god given talent reserved only for the few, something that people were born with.

Fortunately for leaders research and study into the “gift” of charisma demonstrates charisma as a set of skills that can be taught. The results from becoming more charismatic is that people will be drawn to another, to like another, to trust another and to respect another.

We know that the neuroscience indicates that neurotransmitters release neurochemicals that either make us feel good about someone and their intentions; to be moved towards them, or not good about someone and their intentions; to be repelled from them.

We also know that these are snap decisions made by our reptilian brain, and we know that once someone has made that unconscious decision it can be difficult to win back their trust, especially when we are either speaking to people we don’t know or speaking via a channel that puts distance between us.

In our training workshops we learn charismatic leadership skills that give us the ability to recognise firstly what repels people, and then what moves them towards us.

And then focus on developing the foundations that allow a person to build messaging that resonates at a deep level with their audiences and deliver them in a way that magnifies that resonance for lasting impact.

What research is StorySelling based on?

The StorySelling workshop is designed from research undertaken by John Antonakis, Marika Fenley, and Sue Liechti at The University of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland.

In one study, 41 MBA students were asked to record a three to four minute video presentation. They were then trained in the 12 Charismatic Leadership Tactics (CLTs) over six weeks, averaging 80 - 90 hours of work and preparation.

They redelivered their presentations to camera, with the addition of the 12 CLTs, the videos were reviewed and compared by 135 independent assessors.

On average, they measured a 60% increase in individuals leadership scores.We’ve incorporated the following techniques and tools into out training workshop:

  • The 12 CLTs
  • Accelerated adult brain based learning techniques from extensive training in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and USA with Dr Rich Allen
  • Neurolinguistic Programming techniques and principles from practitioner level training with Dr Richard Bolstad; and
  • Marketing principles and practice from internationally renowned marketing expert Donald Miller
How much growth can I expect to see in a day?

The growth each individual will experience is relative to the degree that they are willing to push themselves to try new things and get way outside their comfort zone.

The more a person pushes themselves the more growth they will see.

Do I need to do any prep work before the workshop?

Not at all, the essence of the training workshop is for everyone to develop their talks together at the same pace and learn from each other through open dialogue that we facilitate.

The only preparation needed is to bring the essential items that you will need on the day such as headphones to listen to your video recordings privately.

Why do I need to bring headphones?

The room is usually vibrant and full of ambient noise when you’re delivering most of your customer success stories to camera, so the best way to hear your video when you review it is through headphones. That way, you can have it as loud as you desire without disturbing others who will be listening to their recordings.

What level of experience do I need to come on this training?

There is no required level of experience needed to come on the workshop.

However, it is good to have a goal in mind for where you want to use the skills you will learn and put them into practice as soon as possible.

Still have questions?

Book a Private Workshop

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Download our free Customer Success Story Worksheet

Start creating powerful stories, building strong customer relationships and closing more deals.